
Proposed for Monday 18th November and Tuesday 19th November, 2024. The workshop would be geared to assessing the proposed draft contract and contributing ideas and amendments to help make it a usable and workable document. Facilitators will include Brian Dikgola MBIDP, Edward Mazhani, Chiwala Maipambe MBIDP and David Young MBIDP.

Online attendance for people outside Gaborone would be P1300 and attendance in person in Gaborone with lunches and teas would be P1900. Paid-up BIDP members get a discount. Attendees paying two weeks in advance will be provided with a digital draft two weeks before the event. All attendees must pre-pay before the event, and if numbers are inadequate to cover costs, the event would either be postponed or cancelled, with a refund if cancelled.

Please make your booking with executive secretary Christine Nyepetsi.

More details will follow.



A talk by Sitha Mathe MBIDP. It will be held at 18h00 on Thursday 24th October, 2024. Venue is Legae Academy and refreshments will be available. Enter at main gate as map. Please inform executive secretary Christing Nyepetsi if you plan to attend.
venue map
S Mathe 2019



AGM meeting will be held held on Wednesday 25th September 2024; Physical and online at David Young’s place, plot 915 Phalane close, African Mall, starting at 18h00.

Please advise whether you will be attending in person or on online.



BIDP has arranged a site visit to the new Orange Botswana Digital Data Center
The data center boasts modernity, equipped with advanced security features, technological systems and an environmentally conscious design. Which is a true testament to technological excellence ‘Neine Maiga”

Location: Botswana Digital Innovation Hub Science and Technology Park
Link is
Location map



The shopping bag can be bought at the BIDP shop. The price is P150.00 per bag. Slate tiles are not included.
Shopping bag



Please note that the AGM has been scheduled for Wednesday, 11th October, 2023. Notices have been sent and the Books and a list of members in good standing will be circulated soon.

Please contact the executive secretary if you need more information. The physical venue will be in Gaborone.



The EGM on constitution was held as scheduled on Thursday 8th June, 2023 with 9 valid members, and the result was a unanimous affirmative vote to have Registrar of Societies update its records to the current constitution.
